Age Precautions

Think today about tomorrow…

With our flexible investment products, you can determine your money and decide when you want to retire.

Whether you are interested in a classic pension insurance or a state-supported pension, we are your award-winning insurer

What to expect is explained in our short video:

Private pension

Private provision, regardless of occupation or marital status.

Riester pension

Retirement provision for employees including government support.

Rürüp pension

The alternative to the Riester pension for the self-employed, freelancers and high-earning employees.

Private pension insurance

The pension is a much-discussed issue, because it is now clear to everyone that the statutory pension is no longer enough to secure a standard of living.
Therefore, you should insure yourself privately as early as possible, because the later you start it, the higher the monthly contributions for the desired pension.
With our insurances you get a colorful mix of investment products, where we find the best product for you.
But we limit our benefits not only to the pension, you have the possibility not only to prepare for predictable events, but also to the many surprises that life has to offer, so we offer you a care option so that you are well supplied!

Riester pension

With a Riester pension, you can take advantage of tax subsidies while you are securing yourself for the future.

For insured persons with children and newcomers to the profession, there are special allowances that allow you to take more precautions without paying more!

Each insured person receives 175 euros per year from the state as an allowance, for children born before 31.12.2007 you receive 185 euros per year and for children who were born after 01.01.2008 you receive 300 euros per year. You will receive the allowances for your children as long as you also receive child benefit.

You can choose between a classic (more security) or stock-portfolio-linked (more opportunities) Riester pension.
You also have the option to increase your pension with one-off payments or to suspend your contributions in difficult times.

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Rürüp pension

The Rürüp-pension is primarily aimed at self-employed, freelancers and well-earned employees/officials

Even just before the age of 62, you still have the opportunity to invest in a Rürüp pension in order to increase your pension provision.

Tax advantages:
You can claim the contributions for the Rürüp-pension fortax purposes, in 2019 you can already deduct 88 percent of your own contributions up to a maximum of 24,305 Euro (for married couples 48,610 euros).This share will be increased to 100 percent by 2025.

Even during demographic change and in economically difficult times, private pension security offers you security even in uncertain times

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